Category Archives: Doctors

Waiting for a baby to be born…Yikes!

waiting for baby

Listen to my instruction and be wise;
do not disregard it.
Blessed are those who listen to me,
watching daily at my doors,
waiting at my doorway.
For those who find me find life
and receive favor from the LORD.   Proverbs 8:33-35


I could guess there have been a bazillion words and thoughts written about waiting on God.  Waiting for him to do something, stop something, and intervene in a way we have “suggested” to him in prayer.  And yet I still wait…


A doer not a waiter…

I know there are people who love to wait or really don’t stress about waiting. But really people!  Are you truly patient in that Wal-Mart line that doesn’t seem to move?  When you are stopped in traffic and can’t see what is ahead and creating the immobility…are you really OK with that!?  How about the child you know takes forever to get ready to go someplace, you plan ahead, help him or her in every way possible and you still leave late!  What about the spouse who is verbally herding everyone towards the car to go to church, then “needs” to go back into the house for the thing they forgot to grab!  Come on!  Is that difficult to spell hurry or plan ahead!?


 Sometimes I can make an instant decision and doing is a turns out to be a blessing.  Sometimes it’s a disaster.  When I don’t check in with God is usually when things fall apart on me or blow up in my face!  What a mess it can be! 

Waiting with/for God….

The key to the waiting is checking in with God and making sure I am on the same page he is on.  Honestly, I really don’t like doing that, because it usually means there is a lesson to learn about the waiting and the trusting of his heart and not what I want.  

 Waiting for the grandson to be born…Torture!

So, we are waiting for our first grandbaby to be born…waiting…yikes!  I have never known the word until the last few weeks and now the last few hours.  My heart is so split between wanting our Little Mister to hurry up and be born and trusting God for the best timing for him and his sweet mama.  I want the best for their health, but I want to see his face!  I want to see his daddy and mommy holding him, but I want to hold him too!

 The doctor has been great in giving them the time to labor the way they feel comfortable.  He has been helpful, but not intervening for his convenience. What a blessing for Little Mister and our sweet Michelle. 

 Other things we wait on God for…

I must let my hopes and dreams mature doing my part to be healthy and ready for God to birth them.  Pushing them with our interventions can unravel what God has planned for me. 

 We wait, we pray, we trust God that Little Mister will arrive when God has planned.  We wait, we pray, we trust that God is giving our Michelle all she needs to do the hard work of birthing her son.  We wait, we pray, we trust that God is giving our son the strength and wisdom he needs to be the support for his wife and new little son. 

 Thank you….

Thanks for waiting, praying, and trusting God with us.  I will let you know more when I have permission to share.  Love you all!!!! In the meantime, we are going to go get some flowers, maybe pick-up a couple of things they need from their house, and take an armload of hugs and encouragement, leaving in a short time…to wait, pray, and trust… 🙂

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Filed under Confidence, Doctors, Dreams, Family, Family Relationships, Good, Heart Challenges, Life Journey, Prayer, Trust